a thousands apologize for those who get bored with my unchanged blog title
"The Mayonnaise Jar" title 2months ago
sorry for keep u guys waiting for quite a while
i cant stop pushing myself getting busy filling my time with stuff like this
-->trips.comics.movies.gaming.window shopping around Taipei.buying souvenirs.eats.eats.eats<---
is this what they called .work hard.PLAY HARD. ? xP
Seriously.i LOVE this kind of zero-stressed life.or mayb even worse.ADDICTED.
my days in 侨大 is not as easy as u guys can imagine
the stress either before or after exams are both 10times harder than high school's
sound FUN rite? 囧
but in other hand.this kind of life changes me
i've grown
mayb just slightly
or even not worth being mentioned....
but the fact is
I'm no longer the boy who firstly came to Taiwan.
at least i'm not botak already^-^I hate this place soo much
but.I gonna miss it too
will be one of the most important season in my life =]